Sunday, January 5, 2014

Holiday Cookie #2: Almond Balls

Every Christmas, my grandmother would make at least 10 kinds of cookies, multiple batches of each, store them in tins stacked up in the dining room, and the tins would probably be stacked 7-8 tins long and 4-5 tins high!

Some of the cookies I distinctly remember were pizzelles (nothing like the kind you can buy or make, her's were super thin and crispy), almond balls, pecan balls, and orange cookies.

While it's not the holidays according to most Americans, tomorrow is the Epiphany when the three wise men visited Jesus and brought gifts. It's celebrated in Italy (where all my family is from) and in Armenia (a small portion of my husband's background, and I believe in France as well (my husband is half French). So I figure it's still a holiday cookie!

Grandma  Emma Licamele's Almond Balls

1 cup butter (2 sticks butter) creamed with 1/4 cup confectionery sugar
Add the following and mix:
           1 tsp. Vanilla
           1 cup finely ground almonds (Trader Joe's sells it pre-ground)
           1/2 cups sugar
           2 cups flour
Roll into 1"balls  Bake @ 325 for 20 minutes
While slightly warm (but not hot) roll in confectionery sugar and store in air tight container

They seemed to have turned out well looks-wise, and taste like I remember!

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