Monday, May 12, 2014

Mom Posts: 3 Lessons Learned from Traveling with an Infant

Yesterday we returned from our first travel adventure with an infant, and I must day, it was highly successful! I caveat this blog by stating that we truly do have an easy baby, and are forever grateful and do not take that for granted!!!! That said, there were still things I learned for next time that I thought I'd share. This is what worked for us, but every infant - and family - is different, so do what works.

Everyone on the first flight was incredibly nice and complimentary! The gate agent took us to the "special assistance" area and we were able to take a shuttle to the plane well before other passengers. The pilot (while waiting for the delayed shuttle of passengers!) came out and said hi, and turns out he has a baby the same age!! Then there was a pilot sitting next to us heading home who said "I've been there" very reassuringly. A lady passed by while boarding and said "I'm sure she'll do great!" and many complimented us on how adorable she was. After a stressful day getting everything ready and navigating the ticketing, security, and was reassuring and calming to hear everyone's comments!

Here are my three lessons learned:

  1. When to Nurse: I knew to nurse her during take-off and landing, but didn't think about how they pressurize the cabin when they shut the door. Our super happy and sleepy baby started screaming for what I thought was no reason, then my husband figured it out. I quickly nursed her and she was fine. I put this lesson into action for the return flight with no issues. 
  2. Changing Diapers: I changed a wet diaper on the plane at our seats, but since small planes do not have changing tables, I also learned that I have no idea what I would have done with a dirty diaper situation! No advice here, but a definite realization!!
  3. Car Seats: Infant car seats can be installed without a base, which we knew, and even practiced before we left. However, it does not seem to be sucre in the slightest because the seat angle, and the angle of the straps just cannot physically stay where they're supposed to be. The foot end of the seat constantly wants to push down and the head end constantly wants to push up, so I readjusted it EVERY time we got in the car. It was also nearly impossible to get an infant into the seat once installed because the lap belt goes across the whole car seat. Lesson learned: I can't wait till we just need a booster or none at all. 
And we did use the advice from Lindsay's Pursuit of Pink blog, and made cute notes from our daughter and included a pair of ear plugs and a chocolate treat. Everyone thought it was cute!

What lessons did you learn after traveling that you'd wished you'd known before?

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